2016: My Year in Reading

van-gogh-still-life-french-novels2016 has been a somewhat unusual reading year for me because quite a few of the books I read were ‘assigned’ for reviews — or else were books I chose not entirely because I wanted to read them but because they looked like books I could pitch for reviews. Although at times I ended up feeling a bit stifled as a result, because it felt as if reading obligations were crowding out reading pleasures, at other times it meant a thrill of discovery, as a book or author I wouldn’t otherwise have read turned out to be wonderful. This was also a sign that as a writer I was being pushed in new directions and, as a result, learning new skills and finding (I hope) new strengths — about which, more in my next post on my year in writing!

Looking back on 2016, here are some of the books that stand out.

moby-dick-penguinBook of the Year: Moby-Dick. Really, how could it not be? I’m not saying I read it particularly well, but hey — it was my first time! And I read it with a great deal more pleasure than I expected, and also a sense of expanding horizons. Yes, it’s about whales, the way War and Peace is about Russia — it’s not only about so much more but it just does so much more that’s surprising and amazing and, yes, occasionally tedious, or just plain baffling. I was just reading an earnest article about the importance of revising and revising and revising to perfect every last word: though I don’t actually know what Melville’s own writing process was, it seems to me that this is the kind of well-intentioned advice for novelists about their “craft” that yields books as impeccable but somehow lifeless as Anthony Marra’s A Constellation of Vital Phenomena while guaranteeing us no more fearless Moby-Dick-like masterpieces.


Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth and Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady. Together with Daniel Deronda, these make a remarkable trilogy of variations on a theme. Each of them features a young woman of great intelligence and high spirits hemmed in on every side by social and personal contexts that deny her suitable outlets for her energy. My love-hate relationship with James’s prose continues; Wharton, on the other hand, proved much more congenial, and I’ve got The Custom of the Country on my list of books to read in 2017.

Other Highlights:

L132AInspired in part by The Portrait of a Lady, I finally read  Colm Tóibín’s The Master — and loved it. I’d put it off because I was so underwhelmed with Brooklyn (an impression that was basically confirmed when, inspired by The Master, I reread it), but The Master is artful and tender and brilliant. I expect it’s even better to a true Jamesian, who would get all the subtle allusions and nuances, but it’s a sign of Tóibín’s skill that even a James-skeptic like myself could become totally absorbed in his character.

I loved David Ebershoff’s The Danish Girl. Above all, it is a story about the kind of love and acceptance we all dream of, but it’s also about art and beauty and identity, about how we see ourselves and each other.

A friend recommended Kent Haruf’s Plainsong and I’m so glad she did: I ended up reading three of his novels and being touched and impressed by all of them. I think Plainsong is the best (most complex, most ambitious) of them, but my personal favorite was Our Souls At Night: something about its evocation of loneliness, and the delicacy with which it explores the possibility of overcoming it, really spoke to me.

constantineAnother author I discovered thanks to a prompt from someone else was David Constantine: Scott Esposito asked me to review The Life-Writer and In Another Country for The Quarterly Conversation, and as he predicted I was really impressed. Constantine is a writer’s writer, meticulous and nuanced, but like Alice Munro he embeds both plot twists and emotional surprises into his understated but beautiful prose.

I read Andrea Levy’s Small Island soon after the U.S. election, and it turned out to be unexpectedly timely and somewhat comforting in the tenderness with which it shows disparate people doing their best to live together.

With an eye to my upcoming ‘pulp fiction’ class, I dipped into westerns, a genre I previously knew almost nothing about. I sampled quite a few but the only ones I read attentively all the way through were Charles Portis’s True Grit and Elmore Leonard’s Valdez is Coming. I enjoyed them both thoroughly, but I can’t really see myself reading many more westerns for my own pleasure: reading about them will probably do. Lonesome Dove, maybe? And speaking of genre fiction, I read some good new crime novels this year too, including Phonse Jessome’s gritty Halifax noir Disposable Souls and Maurizio de Giovanni’s Bastards of Pizzofalcone books.

dutton-margaretFinally, Gerald Durrell’s My Family and Other Animals was an absolute tonic as this rather depressing year drew to its close. And one more last-minute success was Danielle Dutton’s Margaret the First, which turned out to be a small, glittering jewel of a novel. (My review will be out in the TLS early in 2017.)

Low Points:

This is 100% about a failure on my part, and also my own disappointment — with myself, though also (however irrationally) with the novel: I tried and failed to read To the Lighthouse. I did read it, in the sense of turning every page, but I could not seem to find the novel I knew was in there somewhere, waiting to transform me. I will try again, after a decent interval.

Curtis Sittenfeld’s Ineligible made me swear off Austen pastiches forever. And I vehemently disliked Dinitia Smith’s The Honeymoon, which I reviewed for the TLS. I saw another novel about George Eliot in the bookstore not long ago and shuddered away from it: though it would be nice to be pleasantly surprised, I have yet to read a really good example of this particular species.

Ian McEwan’s Nutshell was the worst book I may ever have read by an author I fervently admire.

Not Reading, Exactly, But:

buffyI finished my first full viewing of both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel this year. I’ve been rewatching both shows intermittently ever since, which tells you a lot about how interested I got in them. It also indicates something that those who’d seen both series before already knew: both reward rewatching (which is a kind of reading, really) more than many television shows: they reveal layers and connections and themes that aren’t always obvious at first when you’re caught up in the immediate drama. Even when I found the particulars absurd, which did occasionally happen (maybe more for me than for people who are more at home in fantasy as a genre), I never stopped caring about the characters, and now that I’ve seen how all the story arcs turn out, I’m finding myself even more emotionally involved with them.

My 2017 TBR List:

There are a lot of books I look forward to reading in 2017, including (as already mentioned), more Edith Wharton. I have David Ebershoff’s The 19th Wife standing by, along with volumes 2 and 3 in Jane Smiley’s “Last 100 Years” trilogy. In the same stack is Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping, partly because of my questions about My Name Is Lucy Barton and minimalism in fiction, and partly just because; Max Porter’s Grief is the Thing With Feathers is there too, and Sarah Moss’s Body of Light, and China Mieville’s The City and the City. My success with Moby-Dick has had me wondering if I should stop being scared of Ulysses and give it a try in 2017. Part of what’s exciting about a new year, though, is not knowing yet what great books lie in wait that I haven’t even thought of reading yet!

8 thoughts on “2016: My Year in Reading

  1. Bill Benzon December 28, 2016 / 1:22 pm

    Buffy is really good. I’ve probably seen most of the episodes, back when it originally aired. That was when Salon was still new to the web and they had a thriving discussion forum called Table Talk. I hung out in one discussion devoted to BTVS. When an episode aired I’d go online during commercials to see what the buzz was, and there was always some. I assume the same thing happens to current series that are broadcast or cablecast as specific times, but I don’t know because I don’t have cable or broadcast.

    Anyhow, that particular group of Buffistas had become so devoted to their community that when Salon discontinued Table Talk they set up their own online community. It is still going strong: The Phoenix Board. They do a lot of fan fiction. Was there anything like fan fiction in the Victorian world?

    I’ve watched a bit of Angel too. But not so much as BTVS.


    • Rohan Maitzen December 28, 2016 / 9:18 pm

      Now that I’ve re-watched a fair amount of both series, I’m starting to question my initial judgment that I liked BTVS better overall. Going back to it after Angel, it seemed a bit immature! But that doesn’t mean I forgive Angel (the series, not the character) for some of the stupid things in it.


      • Bill Benzon December 29, 2016 / 11:52 am

        Hmmm… Maybe I’ll have to give Angel another try. So much stuff to see!


  2. Stefanie December 29, 2016 / 11:39 am

    Yay for Moby Dick! It is even better the second time around. One of these days I will go for three. You totally need to read Ulysses! It is really good! When I read it I had a book of annotations alongside that was immensely helpful. And The City and the City, so good. Will be curious to see what you make of it! Happy New Year!


    • Rohan Maitzen December 30, 2016 / 4:56 pm

      HNY, Stefanie! I appreciate the Ulysses encouragement. I’ll have to look into good editions: I’m sure there are several annotated ones, but if my Moby-Dick experience is any guide, there’s something to be said for not trying to “get” every detail on a first try, too.


  3. Kathleen Bethell December 30, 2016 / 2:39 pm

    If you are still looking for Westerns, be sure to include The Virginian (after Cooper, the prototype for the genre), Louis L’Amour’s Hondo, and Zane Gray’s Riders of the Purple Sage. Above all, don’t miss the highly entertaining critique of the genre, West of Everything. Hope your class goes well!


    • Rohan Maitzen December 30, 2016 / 4:58 pm

      Good tips! I looked at Hondo and in fact am assigning a short story that IIRC was an early version of the same story. The course is just an intro-level one so we aren’t trying to cover much in any one genre. I have Tompkins’s book on my research shelf for preparation for our unit on Westerns, though!


  4. Gert Loveday January 2, 2017 / 6:59 am

    Oh no! I thought “Nutshell” was hilarious – and I’m someone who had sworn off McEwan because I thought he was just writing too damn much and trying too hard.


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