Open Letters Monthly Archive


From 2010 to 2017 I was an editor and regular contributor to the online literary magazine Open Letters Monthly (founded 2007). All of the magazine’s content remains online (although right now the archived version is a work in progress) but I wanted to make sure my own essays and reviews stay available, so I am gradually adding a selection of them to this website.

All of the essays on George Eliot that I originally published at Open Letters Monthly are available (revised and expanded) in my collection Widening the Skirts of Light.

Open Letters Monthly Archive

“Complete Appreciation of the Usual”: Reading Anthony Trollope (Open Letters Monthly, October 2009)

It’s All About You: The Morality of Vanity Fair (Open Letters Monthly, July 2010)

Against the Wind: Rereading Gone with the Wind (Open Letters Monthly, October 2010)

Abandonment, Richness, Surprise: Virginia Woolf as Critic (Open Letters Monthly, March 2012)

Her Hands Full of Sugar Plums: The Morality of Middlemarch (Open Letters Monthly, March 2013)

The Quiet One: Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Open Letters Monthly, January 2012)

Peer Review: Elena Ferrante’s Hunger, Rebellion, and Rage (Open Letters Monthly, September 2014)